Guest Post

Guest Post on thinkofgames – best gaming guide


Guest posting has a lot of benefits that can’t be ignored but, you should first figure if it’s for you.

Some awesome benefits of high-quality guest posting

  • Great backlinks
  • OK traffic but, it’s consistent for every guest post
  • Great for building relationships with the influencers who run the blog
  • Guest posting from a reputable blog will automatically help your brand and the leads coming from it are on average higher quality (while lesser in quantity)

Note: Submission of your guest post doesn’t guarantee publication. Your submission is going to be reviewed and if it meets our guidelines it will be probably be published.

Style Guide for Guest Post

  • Article length: More than 600 words, Can be exceeded if the article is highly influential.
  • Post titles: Initial caps, No over 70 Characters long, Relevant Images.
  • Subheads: use of subheads (H1, H2, H3, etc.), Bulleted lists, and unordered lists are inspired for a positive user experience and readability.
  • Links to authority sites like official game sites are preferred.

How To Submit The Article?

If you have a post that meets the guidelines above, you can send it to our VA at email [email protected]

Please include the post and also, site name – in the body of the email itself, or as a .docx attachment.

Note- We are not accepting Free Guest Posts at the moment.

Note- We are not accepting Free Guest Posts at the moment.