I still see many players struggle during the tantrum, so I thought I’d share some tips. These are mainly for playing in a band, but can also be useful if you play solo:
- You can install and uninstall the same installation multiple times to complete the installation task. This often allows the guns to be set up before the first wave.
- You can charge a Cannon Thunder shot by holding down the Y key. With good timing, you can do a lot of damage to multiple monsters as soon as they appear on the map.
- Aim for the monsters that break open the doors with the blue icons above your head. Keeping your gates alive will allow you to optimally place Wyvern artillery units and avoid having to regroup your units. It’s a good idea to attack the flying monsters when they appear, as they will chase you and prevent you from dealing with the destroyer doors.
- Wyvernfire artillery units operate like automatic gun turrets, but fire only in the direction their laser is aimed. Make sure you take the time to determine their purpose during installation. It’s a good idea to mount them on both sides of the fence, parallel to the fence and slightly towards the ground. You can also use dragonfly platforms to lure monsters when Wyvernfire’s artillery is aimed at the dragonfly. If you see other players doing such installations….. don’t destroy them by putting wyvernfire in suboptimal locations yourself and thus removing them from these settings.
- Wyvern shots are those huge explosions you see from time to time. They are activated by the lever, just like the dragons. You will see green lights flank the lever when it is ready to be used. You really don’t want to waste them on weak monsters unless there are tons of them at the main gate. Even then, you should save them for the main sample. You can charge a wyvernshot by digging for coal in an electric furnace. Make sure it’s available when the summit arrives. And don’t miss out, or you’ll embarrass your family.
- The gong counter should also be kept for the upper sample. Use the gong in the first area when the gyro appears to get a good amount of damage when it destroys the first door and all the doors in the second area. Use the gong in the second zone after the first zone has ended. This allows you and your team to continue attacking until the last auto-call is activated.
- Speaking of counter-signals… When it is active, you must attack the monsters with your weapon. Do not land on the platform when the counter signal is active unless you are using a Wyvernshot or split Draconator. As long as the countersignal is active, you do much more damage with your own weapon than another unit.
- Save Master Utsushi for the next wave, unless you’re fighting Ibushi. Use Master Outsushi when the point reaches the second area and activates the fuse. If you use Utsushi, you and your group can ride all those spare monsters and do a lot of damage. Ibushi doesn’t seem to be asking for reinforcements, so this doesn’t apply to him.
- If you see Ibushi surround himself with rocks, shoot them with Rigs or machine guns. If you fail to shoot the rocks or disable Ibushi, he will drop them at the last gate.
- Don’t forget to lock with the R key when you are in the set. The calendar for this quarter is very broad. Remember to keep an eye on your health, as you also take damage from blocking attacks, and that can add up quite a bit. Heal between rounds if necessary.
- Some monsters, like. B. Pukei-Pukei (Containment+Heavy Attack), have attacks that can cause a monster stat, which is useful in these targets.
- Send guild cards between turns. It doesn’t help or anything… I just want to see more guild maps!
- Don’t worry about it. It’s almost impossible to fail in a rebellion.
Source: Original link
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