Valheim is a survival game where you fight to remain alive in a world of adventurous foes. As part of this aspect, a variety of objects can be spawned into the world that can benefit your character’s progress. Spawning items into Valheim is done through commands that can be entered within the game console. To assist you in your journey, this guide will provide an overview of the commands and prefab names needed to spawn in different items and creatures. Additionally, an all-items prefab name list will also be presented to give you access to each item in Valheim. With these tools, you should have everything needed to unleash anything your heart desires upon the land with ease!
Spawn Items Commands
Valheim is an immensely popular game and the in-game Spawn Items commands make it even more fun. With the help of these commands, it is possible to spawn in all sorts of items, including prefab items and crafting materials. This article will walk you through the Spawn Items commands, as well as a full list of the prefab name lists.
How to Use Spawn Items Commands
In order to use Valheim spawn items commands you simply type the command in the F2 console. When using Valheim cheat codes, you can generate a variety of items and place them in your game world. To use these cheats you will need to know the item’s prefab name, which is the name that is used by the game to identify each individual item. Using spawn items commands is relatively simple and easy to do. All you need to do is open up the F2 console, type in “debugmode” and hit enter. This will allow you to enter debug mode and use all of Valheim’s special cheats. Next, type in “spawn [item/Prefab name] [amount]” where ‘item/Prefab name’ is the item code and [amount] is how many of that particular item you want to be spawned in your game world. For example, if you wanted to spawn 20 Wood logs into the game world all at once, then your input would look something like this: Spawn tree_pine_a 20 which would generate 20 Pine Logs in your game world! Depending on which item it is, some will have extra properties such as player locations or unit parameters that can also be inputted with this command as well as a description of what they are used for if necessary. When using debugmode command it’s important to note that any spawned items may not disappear after leaving or entering another area so if you decide that the command shouldn’t be necessary anymore make sure to delete them using “removespawned [Prefab name] [amount]. Remembering for what each Prefab Name stands for can also become difficult but luckily there are many lists with full specific Prefab names available online so anyone can find what they are looking for!
List of Spawn Items Commands
Valheim allows you to spawn various items and resources in the game using console commands/cheats. But first, you’ll need to know the Prefab Name of each item so that you can issue commands to spawn them. To do this, simply open your console (~) by pressing the Tilde key (just below ESC on your keyboard), type Help for a list of all prefab names, followed by “3” for a full list of all the items in the game and then enter. Once you have found the prefab name for the item or resource you wish to spawn, simply open up your console again and enter: Spawn The item will be spawned in front of where your character is facing. For example: Spawn Wood_Log spawns 9 Wood Logs into your game. The list below contains all available Prefab Names which can be spawned at runtime without server or client modifications. – Wood_Log – LeatherScraps – WolfPelt – SilverOre – CopperOre – IronOre – DeerHide – CoreWood – MeadBase –Flint –PickaxeHead –LeatherArmor –IronSword
All ItemsPrefab Name List
Valheim players can spawn items in the game using console commands. All you need to do is enter the command followed by the item code. To help you with this, we have compiled a list of all the items available in Valheim that you can spawn by entering their respective codes. From resources, weapons, and tools, listed here are all the ItemsPrefab along with their codes.
List of All ItemsPrefab Name
Valheim Spawn Items commands enable players to easily access different items in the game. The command references a list of all available items prefab names, which is necessary to properly use the command. It’s important to note that the contents of this list are constantly updated as new content for Valheim is released, so players should check back regularly for new items prefab names. All ItemsPrefab Name List: -AntlerPile -Apple -ArmorStand -BarrelHoarder -BirchSapling -BigWheatBale -BrokenCart -Cage -Campfire -Chest -ClayBucket -CoalPile -Fence -FineWoodenChair -Flint -Forge -FuguFishTrap -HangingSkeleton -LeatherScraps -MushroomBasket -OakSapling -SacrificialAltars -SilverOre -SpruceSapling -StoneFence Thistle ¯TreeStump WolfHeadMount WoodenCartBearTrap Workbench