Let’s talk about parsers. Yeah. I know, not the most exciting topic. But I think it’s important to talk about parser construction because the modern game economy is so dependent on people parsing data. We live in an age where parsing is a necessary skill for any MMO player, whether you’re a macro-spammer, a trading bot, or a data miner. And of course, it’s the skill you’ll need to be the most successful in-game.
One of the most common and frustrating mistakes new parsers make is running the wrong setup at high levels. This article will explain why, how to get a proper set-up, and what to do when you’re struggling. The guide is written for new parsers at 10-15k DPH and up, but has enough information to help high-end parsers as well.
Testing your damage, also known as parsing, on target dummies is a job that few DPS players can avoid as they advance into the endgame. However, seeing your damage number on the knock-off Earthgore not even approaching that of your favorite youtuber may be disheartening, perplexing, and befuddling. This tutorial is intended to assist players of any level in increasing their damage statistics on the target dummy, and before we get started, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- First and foremost, this tutorial is mostly applicable to the target dummy, and although the abilities you gain on these dummies will undoubtedly transfer to real-life combat, this guide will make no direct mention to any of them.
- This guide’s numbers are based only on the 21-mil Iron Atronach or Reaper dummy, and no other dummies.
- This tutorial is divided into eight parts, beginning with the 0th portion, which will explain all necessary work before you begin parsing, and then breaking the guide down into subsections based on your DPS level and suggestions on how to improve from that level.
- The parts are split into percentages of your class’s ‘optimal DPS,’ with maximum DPS being defined as the DPS level reached by endgame youtubers like Liko, Skinny Cheeks, and others. So, if a part reads 20 percent -40 percent DPS and you’re playing a magicka necromancer, that implies that if you go to Skinny Cheeks’ current patch video, which has a DPS upper range of 106.5k, you’ll be inside that bracket if you’re performing 21.3k to 42.6k DPS.
- Because DPS levels vary from patch to patch, and from class to class, spec to spec, it would be difficult for me to provide a single figure for all classes in this tutorial. A top-tier magicka dragonknight player, for example, would struggle to parse over 100k this patch, while a top-tier stamina warden player might comfortably parse over 110k without any difficulty. (This is just an example; don’t take it too seriously.)
- I’ll outline the problems that individuals in each DPS bracket are most likely to face in each area. A player hitting 60k, for example, would most likely struggle with light attack weaving, while a person reaching 90k might struggle with exact uptimes on certain buffs. While a highly talented player who could parse upwards of 110k might still achieve 90k if told not to light weave, any regular player who had recently reached that milestone would likely not have obvious light weaving problems. Similarly, without Undaunted passives, gold jewelry, or even the appropriate gear, a talented player starting out with a new class might easily reach 90% of optimum DPS, but that’s not how most players would improve their DPS. If you don’t believe the material in the current part is very helpful, go back and read some of the earlier sections. Everyone develops in their own unique manner; the sequence in which this guide is presented is just a depiction of the most frequent path.
- This guide is intended to be read in conjunction with your particular class guide, as stated above. I will not offer detailed gearing advice for any classes; instead, you should consult your favorite youtubers for such information. (If you don’t have any, I suggest Liko or Skinny Cheeks.)
Now for the real guide.
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