The popular massive multiplayer online game, Rise of Kingdoms, offers a unique feature that allows players to migrate their game from one device to another. This feature is great for those who want to enjoy the game on multiple devices, or for those who simply want to transfer their game from one device to a newer one. In this article, we will discuss the process of how to migrate Rise of Kingdoms to another device.
What is Rise of Kingdoms
Rise of Kingdoms is an incredibly popular iOS, Android, and PC web-based game. It has had tremendous success since its launch in 2018, becoming one of the top-ranking games on both popular app store platforms and selling millions of copies worldwide. In Rise of Kingdoms (RoK), you take control of a civilization from either one of the 11 different civilizations and you must lead them to greatness. Whether through diplomatic alliances or through all-out war, you must guide your civilization to prominence and shape history itself!
The game allows for single player or multiplayer exploration through historical campaigns and players may construct, upgrade or concentrate on different facets such as economics or military research. There are also daily tasks that can be completed on a regular basis to gain rewards. As the player progresses along in the game they will eventually unlock special heroes with their own unique capabilities.
One feature that sets Rise of Kingdoms apart from other PC strategy games is the ability for players to migrate their current progress between iOS, Android and PC platforms. The migration process allows players to keep their in-game content when switching devices, meaning all resources collected up until that point can be retained. This offers great flexibility when playing this kind of game across various devices as content lost when transitioning platforms is minimized greatly!
Overview of Migration
The migration system in Rise of Kingdoms allows players to move their city, governor, and troops from one kingdom to another. It is a great way for players to explore other worlds that hold different experiences and challenges. Migration also opens up new opportunities for creating powerful alliances, having access to more rare resources or conquering new lands without sacrificing all the progress made in the previous kingdom.
To perform a migration, players must complete the preparation steps as listed below:
-Locate your target kingdom
-Coordinate with your alliance
-Gather resources to prepare for the move
-Plan when and where you will migrate
-Backup your city’s data
Once you are ready to migrate, you can use either gems or in-game coins to transfer into the target kingdom. The cost of migration will differ depending on your existing VIP level and target kingdom status. After transferring over, you will be eligible for additional rewards such as free speed-ups, bonuses and exclusive packs that are only available for migrating players.
Preparing for Migration
Migrating to a new kingdom can be intimidating, but properly preparing is the key to success. There are a few steps you need to take in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new kingdom. First, it’s important to take stock of all the resources and troops you have available to you. Make sure to only bring the resources and troops you will need for your journey to the new kingdom. Additionally, it’s important to evaluate all the potential risks and rewards of making the switch. Taking these steps will help ensure you are ready for the migration.
Backup your game data
Back up your game data before initiating the migration process. Migration includes transferring data and information to a new server and it is important to ensure you don’t lose any important information or progress during the migration. Depending on where you are migrating to, backing up your game data may not be necessary as some of your progress may not transfer over. The specific details of the transfer process should be thoroughly evaluated prior to initiating migration.
It is possible to backup your game data by logging out of Rise of Kingdoms and then manually backing it up in a separate file or directory. You can store this game data for both iOS or Android versions, making sure that all files are stored safely before you begin migration. There are also some additional tools available for helping customize backups — always check with the development team to determine which tools are compatible with the version being used (iOS or Android). Data backup should be completed shortly before initiating migration in order to ensure that no updates occur during the process, thereby potentially reducing your chances of successful data transfer.
Link your game to a new account
Reaching a high-level in Rise of Kingdoms can take an immense amount of time and dedication, so it’s understandable that you don’t want to start over! If you decided to completely change your gaming account, all that work won’t need to be wasted. The first step is to make sure your game is successfully linked to the account you wish to migrate the game too.
Doing so will allow your progress and settings from the original game instance to be transferred without any hassle. To get started, you have to open the settings screen in either iOS or Android with the tapped button located in the top-right corner of the screen. From there, navigate yourself towards “Account” then make sure if your new account is opted in properly.
If you don’t link your account before attempting migration, no progress from your old will be transferred! After verifying that everything is correct and secured by tapping into “Confirm” — head onto creating a connection with our migration server. Once again within “Accounts & Settings” menu, make sure if you tapped into “Manually Migrate Existing Kingdoms Game Center Accounts” at least once before doing anything else. This will keep everything on track while transferring data from one end of another.
In Rise of Kingdoms, migrating is an important strategy players can use to improve their game experience. By migrating, players can transfer their accounts from one server to another, allowing them to gain access to different strategies, resources, and alliances. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of migrating, as well as the steps you’ll need to take in order to do so.
Choose a new server
If you’re looking to migrate from one server to another, you have a few options. Before choosing a new server, consider what type of play style suits you best — do you prefer to play in more populated servers or more sparsely populated ones? Do you want the challenge and extra rewards that come with playing in hard mode servers or the slightly easier gameplay of a normal server?
Once those questions are answered, browse the list of available servers and see which one matches your preferences. You can also ask your fellow commanders how they’re enjoying their server or check out Reddit and other forums for advice on which areas seem to be unexplored or look successful. There’s no need to worry if you choose a wrong server; Rise of Kingdoms allows free migrations every 45 days.
Transfer your game data
One of the main advantages of playing Rise of Kingdoms is that your game data and progress are all stored on servers managed by the game developers, Lilith Games. This means you can transfer your data from one device to another without losing any progress. Whether you want to switch from Android to iOS devices or vice versa, simply follow the simple steps below and you should be able to migrate with no hassle.
First off, make sure that both versions of the game are constantly updated in order to successfully process your information. Without up-to-date information, it will be difficult for either version of the game to cross-read and understand each other’s necessary files.
Secondly, access the settings within Rise of Kingdoms, look for “Services” tab and click on “Data Transfer Service” At this point you will be prompted to enter an authentication code that was sent via email during the registration process. Enter this code and once verified successfully; follow the prompts until all accounts have been merged.
Finally, when both accounts have been merged together confirm details such as name changes before prioritizing which account should be migrated over and accepted into the new device as your primary account. You will also need log in again after data has been processed correctly ensuring all files have been properly transferred over without any loss due to conflicting details.
After Migration
After migrating, you will have to learn the ropes of Rise of Kingdoms so you can get started. You will need to get familiar with the game’s interface and controls. You will also have to create an alliance, start building structures and join in-game events. There will be plenty of things to do after you have migrated, and in this article, we will discuss all of them.
Rebuild your city
Once your city is successfully migrated to a new environment, it’s important to start rebuilding. Here are a few ways that you can begin the process of rebuilding and getting your city back on track:
1. Assess existing resources: Make sure you have a good understanding of the existing resources you have access to in your new environment. This can include infrastructure, software licenses, and personnel.
2. Develop an implementation plan: Create an implementation plan that will help guide the process of moving into a new environment. This should include assessments of current resources to ensure you make use of everything available without over-using resources or under-utilizing them.
3. Optimize services: Optimize services in order to make them run more efficiently and cost-effectively in the new environment where possible. This will help reduce operational costs and allow for greater scalability down the line should you require additional services or applications later on.
4. Test systems: Before putting any changes into production, it’s important to test systems in order to guarantee accurate performance in the actual environment they will be used in once deployed correctly and fully operational again. Doing this step properly can help ensure seamless migrations with few surprises post-migration when flipping switch to go live with your newly rebuilt city!
Rebuild your army
Once you have successfully migrated your civilization to its new home, it is important to rebuild your army quickly. A strong and well-trained army will be your most powerful asset in defending against any potential threats that you may face while settling in a new area. Taking the time to organize them correctly will help ensure that they are an effective force in protecting your people.
To rebuild an army, first gather all military personnel who are available and assemble them into uniformed ranks. Establish protocols for training sessions and drills, as well as expectations for behavior inside and outside the camp. Ensure that all weapons, ammunition, fuel and supplies are replaced or acquired from sources you trust. Formulate strategy plans for defense tactics during battle or other emergency situations. Finally, begin organizing your troops into divisions according to their specialties and areas of expertise so they can respond quickly should they be called upon in an emergency situation.
Rebuilding your army successfully will not only protect you from potential threats but also provide security for the future of your civilization as it grows in its new home. Taking the time to properly assemble them now will build a foundation of readiness that will benefit you years down the line.
Reestablish your alliances
Migrating can be a nerve-wracking process, as your new kingdom may have different enemies than what you left behind. But one great resource for finding allies to form strong partnerships with is by looking for fellow migrants in the new kingdom. While it may take some time to build up trust in the new relationships, it can be well worth it if you need assistance against difficult elven armies or barbarian camps.
When forming new alliances, talk to other players about their experience and roles within the kingdom. Figure out where each player is located and whether or not you have similar interests in terms of game play— such as farming resources or pushing razing barbarians — so that you can work together effectively. As many of these players are also going through their own migrations and reestablishing their base of operations, working together can help everyone out during this difficult time.
It is also important to familiarize yourself with the various lords in your new kingdom as quickly as possible so that you can identify which leaders are friendly and which are more hostile. Try to establish friendly relations with these lords; this will help keep your newly-established alliances from being attacked too soon by hostile forces from other kingdoms. But remember, alliances should always be taken seriously — so maintain good communication and let other players know if something comes up unexpectedly that causes them any trouble or makes them feel vulnerable. Finally, while most players are welcoming to newcomers in their alliance , make sure to carefully monitor conversations and interactions between members of your alliance so everyone feels comfortable playing together.